Velomuseum Rehetobel „Karl Reichmuth collection“– Switzerland +++++

The association of museum administrators in Rehetobel took over the racing bike collection "Karl Reichmuth collection" in 2018. A unique collection of mainly Swiss racers who have won titles at world championships. These are authentic and actually used bikes. The modifications on the machines are authentic and the whole collection is absolutely unique.

Thank you Daniel Bartholdi (Präsident Genossenschaft „Kultur im Sprötzehuus“) for detailed interpretation and presentation.

Address: Heidenerstrasse 4, 9038 Rehetobel, Švýcarsko


373/A - Karl Reichmuth collection

Thomas Molk in Stanz near Lucerne was a frame manufacturer and later known as a Colnago frame repair and painting service center. The famous Swiss rider Urs Freuler was a pioneer of new technical directions (for example, he was the first to ride a straight front fork on a daza). These novelties were produced in the workshops of the Molk company. This geometry, with a raised head tube and frame reinforcement, was developed there and later adopted by Colnago.

373/B - Karl Reichmuth collection

Urs Freuler, Moustache World Champion

Urs Freuler