Velomuseum Rehetobel „Karl Reichmuth collection“– Switzerland +++++

The association of museum administrators in Rehetobel took over the racing bike collection "Karl Reichmuth collection" in 2018. A unique collection of mainly Swiss racers who have won titles at world championships. These are authentic and actually used bikes. The modifications on the machines are authentic and the whole collection is absolutely unique.

Thank you Daniel Bartholdi (Präsident Genossenschaft „Kultur im Sprötzehuus“) for detailed interpretation and presentation.

Address: Heidenerstrasse 4, 9038 Rehetobel, Švýcarsko


373/A - Karl Reichmuth collection

Speedbicycles GmbH „Fast Bikes since 1900“ Basel - Switzerland +++++

Fantastic racing bike database. An incredible amount of perfectly photographed details. Definitely the best and most comprehensive racing bike website in the world.

Speedbicycles founder Stefan Schaefter says: "The aesthtetics has always been very important to me. Some bicycles are true mechanical works of art."


Virtual museum:

A small sample from the original webside.

All photos with many thanks to: original webside and Stefan Schaefter 



Rehetobel Velomuseum - Switzerland +++++

The newly renovated premises of the Rehetobel Velomuseum already provide a beautiful environment for bicycle exhibitions and social events for the 2024 season. A tour of the exhibition documents the history of the bicycle in detail and offers a comprehensive view of its technical development, from the velocipede to tricycles and tall bikes to the modern bicycle.

The infrastructure for the presentation of objects is provided by the VEREIN VELOMUSEUM REHETOBEL. It is organized as a patronage association and has around 60 members. They support the operation of the exposition and participate in events, trips and national or international meetings of historic bikes. A private collecting community with a handful of members contributes objects, designs the display, maintains the machines and looks after the visitors.

Address: Heidenerstrasse 4, 9038 Rehetobel, Švýcarsko


372/A - Rehetobel Velomuseum

Leo Estermann was a famous framebuilder from Zurich, Switzerland.  Part of the exhibition is dedicated to his racing bikes.

More info of Leo Esterman:

372/B- Rehetobel Velomuseum

Musée du Vélo SION - Switzerland +++++

A very nice privat museum with two part of exposition: Early cycling and rare and a special race maqchines from past to the actually time.


248 - Musée du Vélo SION

Musée d'Art et d'Histoire (Geneva) – Switzerland +++++

A secret place in Geneva/Switzerland viseted by the Swiss highwheel specialists Jürg Zaugg and Anders Thorell early January 2019. These highwheels and boneshakers have been sitting there untouched since the late 1930s. Exciting discovery !
Many thanks to the curator of the "Musée d'Art et d'Histoire" of Geneva who was able to open the Museum's reserves. A new highly secured facility has just been constructed where all the Geneva public museums will centralise their reserves.The bikes are therefore now stored in a less romantic place than what you saw on the previous post but with a better climate control.The museum has a total of seven vintage bikes, none of which have ever been shown to the public since they were donated to the museum between 1934 and 1949. The museum's intention is to start showing one or two from next year on.

Photos were taken by Anders Thorell 2019


234 - Musée d'Art et d'Histoire Geneva

Le Centre Mondial du Cyclisme UCI, Aigle - Switzerland +++++

Located on the outskirts of Aigle, Switzerland, the UCI World Cycling Center (CMC) welcomes trainees and professional athletes and houses the offices of the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI). A 1990s project by former International Cycling Union president Hein Verbruggen, it was inaugurated in 2002.

Le Center Mondial du Cyclisme includes:

  • 200 m wooden velodrome made of Siberian pine with 680 seats
  • 250 m covered synthetic athletic track
  • BMX racing track with two starting ramps (8 meters and 5 meters)
  • pump track track
  • the starting ramp of the BMX racing track
  • mini BMX track for youth
  • 500 m running track
  • multi-purpose sports area of ​​1800 m2
  • room for artistic gymnastics 700 m2
  • gym 200 m2
  • rooms for sports activities and permanent exhibitions
  • conference rooms with a capacity of up to 100 people
  • restaurant for 100 people with a terrace on the banks of the Rhone

Address: Allée Ferdi Kubler 12, 1860 Aigle, Switzerland


397/A - Le Centre Mondial du Cyclisme UCI, Aigle

397/B - Le Centre Mondial du Cyclisme UCI - museum

397/C - Le Centre Mondial du Cyclisme UCI - photo EXPO

397/D - Le Centre Mondial du Cyclisme UCI - shop

Expo: VELO ÉQUILIBRES EN MOUVEMENT, Museum RATH, Geneve - Switzerland +++++

The Musée Rath is a showcase for discovery, with several major temporary exhibitions each year. Opened to the public in 1826 thanks to the generosity of the Rath sisters, it was Switzerland's first fine arts museum, designed from the outset as a "museum temple" to house and exhibit works of art. 

From June 6 to October 13, 2024

The exhibition VELO ÉQUILIBRES EN MOUVEMENT (balance in motion) was created in co-production with the museum (MHN), and invites the public to explore the bicycle from its technical, historical, sociological and artistic aspects. In addition to its apparent simplicity, the bicycle turns out to be a revolutionary invention. From its origins in the 19th century to its social impact and technical innovation today, this iconic machine is being reinvented as a means of transportation, but also as a source of inspiration, freedom and adventure.

Address: Pl. de Neuve 1, 1204 Genève, Švýcarsko


Velo EXPO:

371/A - Expo 2024 Musée RATH

A fantastically detailed catalog of the exhibition

371/B - Expo 2024 Musée RATH

Velos Motos Franz Heini, Wolhusen - Switzerland +++++

This is a private bicycle museum with a complete cross-section of the development of bicycles. Some pictures was taken in Mr. P. Schwegle´s  YAMAHA shop in 2012.


70 Velos Motos Heini - Switzerland

Pantheon Basel - Switzerland +++++

Pantheon Basel - The continual exposition

A very atypical modern building is for antik cars, motorcycles and bicycles was built in Basel. The museum is including workshops for restauration, lecture rooms and restaurant.


38/A. Pantheon Basel - Switzerland

Nationales VELO-MUSEUM Helvetia, Brügg b./Biel – Switzerland +++++

Although the museum has a rather grandiose name, it does not appear to have any kind of government support and seems to be “national” in the sense it is probably the only museum of its kind in the country. Entering the museum brings you to the remarkable world of Herr Edy Arnold, who was present in the former bar of the hotel where you can still have light snacks. In addition to his impressive collection of more than 300 bicycles, he is renowned as a racer on highwheel bikes and there are many photographs, posters and newspaper clippings of his exploits on display.


94/A - Nationales VELO-MUSEUM Helvetia