Information about the history of the bicycle
not only for collectors and lovers of vintage bicycles
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For sale
New Mail - Boston, USA cca 1898-99
Chater Lea - London, England c.1900
Charles Morel – Bicyclette Pliante c.1896/97
LA SANCHOC Dame - G.Schwartz, suspension model, 1922
TA/ML 26, wooden wheel "SYSTEME LEROY" c.1900
Goëland Special Randonneur c.1950 with Goëland Derailleur
Vedette, lady bike 1901, USA
SANCHOC - G.Schwartz,suspension model, 1922
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Bell for high wheel or safety - after 1882
Tire 28 x 1 1/2 - black
Photographs, post cards
Set of lithographic postcards
Set of lithographic postcards
7 Christmas postcards
4 Easter postcards
Set of "Gruss aus berlin" postcards
2 lithographic postcards
Set of 6 streophotographs
Set of 4 photographs
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Catalogues, brochures, price lists, books
The History of the Bicycle in Bohemia 1817 - 1918
Catalogue "Manufacture Francaise" and Hirondelle c.1890
Columbia catalogs1884 a 1891
4 x catalogs VELO 1914 - 1937
Velocipédie - Mestre & Blatgé catalogs, France 1911
5 x catalogues Velamos
"W.C.Boak" catalogue - 1891
"Badger Cycle Company" catalogue - 1894
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Advertising items, posters
CLEMENT poster - reprint
HUTCHINSON - big poster
2x advertising posters (framed) - reprints
Original Czech poster - Plochá dráha 1960
"John Player & Sons" set
Woodbridge & Co. poster
Collectors’ items
4 lithographs from the beginning of the bicycle
Memory plaques "Cours de la Paix"
Memory plaques "Cours de la Paix"
Memory plaques "Cours de la Paix"
Memory plaques "Cours de la Paix"
Memory plaques "Cours de la Paix"
Memory plaques "Cours de la Paix"
Ground motiv "Michaux" on glass
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Sports and racing bicycles, components
Unique Oscar Egg racer 1932
Race bike G.Faudet, France c.1950
Longoni - sport frame set, 1940s
Mercier - race bicycle, France c.1970
Race bike for track, Bertol c.1940
Sport Tandem frameset c. 1960/70
Caminade Road race Luxe c.1949
Frame stickers FAVORIT - SET 6
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Cult components
Seatpost Giant AERO - 27,2
Seatpost Ritchey 27,0
Saddle Ritchey ProLite
Campagnolo Ergo Brain 10
Campagnolo Daytona front derailleur
Front Derailleur Chorus
Ergopower Control Levers VELOCE
Cranks Campagnolo Veloce
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New on sale
4 lithographs from the beginning of the bicycle
Catalogue "Manufacture Francaise" and Hirondelle c.1890
Bell for high wheel or safety - after 1882
New Mail - Boston, USA cca 1898-99
Seatpost Giant AERO - 27,2
Seatpost Ritchey 27,0
Saddle Ritchey ProLite
Campagnolo Ergo Brain 10
Product sold
Photographs, post cards
Catalogues, brochures, price lists, books
Advertising items, posters
Collectors’ items
Sports and racing bicycles, components
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Cult components
Sold / Archive