Hillman, Herbert & Cooper "Premier" safety - England 1889 - 1893
Premier model A4, 1889 - 1893
The safety of the largest English manufacturer, co-founder and pioneer of the cycling industry, The Premier Cycle Coventry. The company of the owners Hillman, Herbert and Cooper, founded in 1876, came up with several revolutionary models at the beginning of cycling. In 1884 it was the Kangaroo model, a reduced high wheel transmitting pedaling power by means of vertical chain gears, and in 1886 the first model with a cross frame. The A4 model was produced for almost 4 years and contributed to the rapid development of the brand. Interesting fact - the oldest Premier early safety bicycles have one exceptional identification mark - a chain drive on the left side. The company maintained this solution until the mid 90´s.
A nice conditin safety immediatelly rideable "Premier".
Frame size: slooping frame 51 cm (from middle to the top of saddle tube)
Front wheel: 75 cm, back wheel: 72 cm