Notre Dame des Cyclist, Labatiste-d´ Armagnac, France +++++

The Chapel of Notre Dame des Cyclistes becomes a mandatory stop for most cyclists and cycling enthusiasts, sometimes even at the cost of a long detour.

The chapel building is early Romanesque (late 9th century) and later served the Templars. In 1959, it was dedicated to Our Lady of Cycling. The clergyman who organized all this was an avid cyclist and collector of cycling trophies, which you will find on display here. Even part of the interior decoration is made of bicycle parts (for example, candlesticks). Here you will also find prayers to Our Lady of Cycling in various world languages. In 1966, a cycling wedding took place here. The portal of the chapel is decorated with a French inscription, which, translated, reads: "Let the sun shine above us."

Address: 40240 Labatiste-d´ Armagnac, France


369 - Notre Dame des Cyclist