Exposition ESKA – Museum Cheb, Czech republic
The bicycle factory ES-KA was established 1911 in the same buldings where were made bicycles PREMIER before. Some bicycles from company museum bought town Cheb for town museum. These machines formed small exhibition, but only for short time, because this exposition was latter cancelled.
Contact: http://www.muzeumcheb.cz/Expo/Expon/Kola.html
An exposition with bicycles from ES-KA collection around 1960
49/C ES-KA en exposition c.1960
The factory ES-KA made bicycles from 1911 to 1996.
Latter adjudication directed that all buildings would be destroyed. Photos by Radim Hettner in 2009.
Extract of catalogue ES-KA 1912
Catalogue ES-KA 1931
ES-KA made 1936