Antik bike Europe Tour 2024

Day 1 - From Prague through Germany to the Austrian Alps

It looks simple. Get in the car and go. Preparation and planning, arranging and organizing private collections, varied museum opening hours kept us busy. Practically a year of work! Finally the plan is done and we can start.

Go on!

STOP 1: Arnschwanger Fahrradmuseum - Germany

The Wirtshöhe Arnschwang is a historic complex from 1845 that has been converted into a bicycle museum by the Arnschwang Bicycle Museum Association. Nes has over 200 historic bicycles, mostly with German history, on three floors.

Address: Dorfpl.1,93473 Arnschwang, Germany


352 - Arnschwanger Fahrradmuseum

STOP 2: Ferdinand Porsche Erlebniswelten fahr(T)raum, Mattsee - Austria

353/A - Porsche bicycles

The Porsche company is known above all for top cars. But we cannot overlook her experiments with the bicycle. The founder Ferdinand Porsche is also connected with Czech history, so the newly opened super modern museum is a great achievement of his family, which is behind this project. The answer to why in Mattsee is simple: this is where Mr. Porsche's nephew lives, who takes care of the entire ride.

Address: Passauer Str.30, 5163 Mattsee, Austria


353/B - Fahr(T)raum Mattsee

The library in the museum is full of information, we spent a lot of time there, so we will share a little.

353/C - Fahr(T)raum Mattsee knihovna

Another Czech track is Hans-Erich Ledwinka, interesting Austrian motorcycles and of course the first motorcycle do not leave us alone. At least now on photos from the local library.

353/D - Fahr(T)raum Mattsee library

Gottlieb Daimler (March 17, 1834 Schorndorf (Württemberg) - March 6, 1900 Cannstatt near Stuttgart) was a German inventor of today's type of gasoline combustion engine and designer of the first motorcycles and automobiles.

353/E - Fahr(T)raum Mattsee knihovna

On the first day, we were already welcomed by the Alps, we stayed in a private house right in the heart of these mountains. Materials for study, books and impressions were blessed on the very first evening.

First evening in the Alps

Day 2 - Across the Alps to Venice

In the morning we were nervous and full of expectations. What happened in the highest museum, at a height of over 2000 meters above sea level, literally gives me goosebumps. On the night of January 17-18, 2021, the museum caught fire. Snow, frost and firefighters could not get to these places. Without hesitation, the owners announced: We'll be back! In the Czech Republic and in Europe full of covid, we were not allowed to go from district to district and they got to work. Don't ask me how it was built in the cold and what permits they had. Anyway, in 10 months, i.e. already in autumn, the museum stood again and inside more than 450 historical machines. So it's worth a visit and a bow!

STOP 3: Top Mountain Motorcycle Museum 2024, Obergurgl, Austria

Big fire and catastrophe

Motorcycle Experience World

On 17 January 2021, the motorbike museum on the Timmelsjoch High Alpine Road with over 350 unique exhibits was in full fire and almost completely destroyed, a huge loss for the entire motorbike and classic car community.

354/A - Devastating fire 2021

354/B - Devastating fire 2021

We are back!
However, the Hochgurgl visionaries and motorbike enthusiasts Attila and Alban Scheiber did not give up on their lifelong dream: Exactly 10 months after the fire accident, the TOP Mountain Motorcycle Museum reopened on the 18th of November 2021 - the new Motorcycle Experience World: bigger, more spectacular, more informative and more exciting!
Together with knowledgeable experts, a comprehensive concept was created for the new motorbike museum: Exciting motorbike stories, historic racing machines and a varied, partly interactive programme are, of course, intended to inspire motor-affine visitors as before, but also to entice all other visitors of all ages to marvel and discover.

Address: Mountain Motorcycle GmbH & CoKG, Timmelsjochstrasse 8, 6456 Hochgurgl, Austria


354/C - Top Mountain Motorcycle Museum 2024

Occasional exhibitions are regularly renewed in the museum. Photos are from the summer of 2024.

Expeditions Professor Max Reisch

The special exhibition Expeditions and Research Journeys Prof. Max Reisch shows for the first time the Puch motorbikes and all expedition vehicles, as well as the historical equipment of the Tyrolean researcher and transport pioneer Prof. Dr. Maximilian Reisch, whose expeditions in the 1930s and 1940s led to almost all continents and are today internationally regarded as admirable pioneering achievements. Another focus topic of this special exhibition: motor sports in Tyrol of the past - here the Tyrolean motor sports pioneers, their vehicles and the legendary races are presented!

354/D - Top Mountain Motorcycle Museum 2024

And where else to absorb a little of the impressions of the "Top Mountain Motorcycle Museum" than in their cafe and restaurant. And again there was something to look at….

Top Mountain Motorcycle Museum restaurant

When we left the museum at an altitude of 2,175 meters above sea level, everything were optimistic. It was enough to climb a few altitude meters and it became clear to us why the Timmelsjoch Pass (border between Austria and Italy - height 2,338 meters) opened today on the first day after the winter closure. High barriers of snow, 2 - degrees above zero, wind and fog. We finished the careful descent at the wonderful Albergo Horchfirst hotel on the Italian side.

Timmelsjoch Pass 2338 m

STOP 4: Velodrome in Bassano del Grappa

A stop at the velodrome in Bassano del Grappa, in the province of Vicenza was directly offered. Years ago, we often trained at this velodrome, and in 1985 I completed the World Championship here with the Czech team. The velodrome has recently been renovated with a new multi-layer system and is in excellent service. It's a weekday and many young boys and girls train here very systematically.

Velodrome Bassano del Grappa

A little memory of 1985 and a little bitter for us. Our team was eliminated by the Italians in the quarter-finals, and it was they who became World Champions in the 4 km team race here in front of the home audience.

World Championship 1985

STOP 5: Museo Moto Guzzi - private collection of Aurelio Rampazzo, Mirano (Venice)

Thanks to René Constantini, who provided us with a link through the Registro Storico Bianchi, we spent the evening with Mr. Aurelio's wonderful explanation of Moto Guzzi motorcycles, the collection of Bianchi bikes and a great selection of historic racing bikes. Many thanks for your trust and time.

Address: Mirano (Venice), Italy

355/A - privat collection Aurelio Rampazzo

355/B - privat collection Aurelio Rampazzo

After a hard day, we deserved a royal rest. Staying at the castle, where we were truly completely alone, was a great experience in itself. Judge for yourself by the last photo. The room for two people was 170 meters. But we weren't afraid.

Dinner and night at the castle

Day 3 - Only private collections, many friends, a busy schedule until we missed one museum in the evening

STOP 6: Museo della bicicletta - Saldeco, Italy

The private museum is located in the town of Salcedo, 30 km north of Vicenza. This is a private collection accessible to the public by agreement. A showcase of bikes from boneshaker to legendary racing bikes from the post-WWII era. The pearl of the collection is an authentic bike by Gino Bartali. The owner of the collection, Loris Pasquale, is a charismatic person and has been dedicated to bikes practically his whole life. The experience in the museum is enhanced by the quality of the machines, which in most cases have been preserved in their original condition without renovation!

91/A - Museo della bicicletta


Address: Via Roma 5, Salcedo (VI), Italy

The collection of military bikes is directly related to the entire collection of military artifacts. Lovers of this category will certainly be surprised by the scope of the collection.

91/B- Museo della bicicletta

Photos from the museum and exhibitions from the years before 2017.

91/C - Museo della bicicletta

STOP 7: Exhibition 2024 "Le bici dei campioni", Cittadella - Italy

Immediately after arriving at the opening ceremony of the exhibition, we received an extremely warm welcome and a special interpretation. It was launched by the mayor of the Italian Cittadella, a city and fortress dating back to 1220, and Dr. Mario Cionfoli, a famous collector of sports bikes. The patron was ex-professional rider Filippo "Pippo" Pozzato. Literally an unforgettable moment!

Morning in the Cittadella

The exhibition "Le bici dei campioni" or "The bikes of champions" was prepared and it was officially opened on June 15, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. in the Church of Torresino in Cittadella along the "Via dei Carraresi" Over 40 bicycles belonging to past and present champions between 1894 and 2021 are on display to admire.

The exhibition will be open from Saturday 15 to Sunday 23 June 2024 and will present the best of the three collections of the Museo Bicicleria, the Loris Pasquale Collection and the Gianfranco and Dorina Trevisan Collection.

Address: S.M del Torresino, Via G. Garibaldi 54, 35013 Cittadella (PD) Itálie


356/A - Expo "Le bici dei campioni", Cittadella

Fausto Coppi and Serse Coppi and their bikes had a special place in the Cittadella.

356/B - Bikes of Fausto Coppi and Serse Coppi

356/C - Fausto Coppi in the Cittadella

Gino Bartali and his bike with the madonna and seal from the race.

356/D - Gino Bartali bike

356/E - Gino Bartali at Cittadella

The icing on the cake. Personal gift: original jersey worn by five-time Tour de France winner Bernard Hinault. They didn't even know that he was one of my main sports idols. Thank you very much and I appreciate it!

A special gift

Bernard Hinault in his prime and as we like to remember him.

Bernard Hinault

Part of the celebration of cycling in Ciitadella was also the screening of the new film “And you, do you remember Marco? ” or the launch of the book of the same name by Mario Cionfoli: “E tu, tel o ricordi Marco?”

Book Marco

The famous and especially well-known painter Miguel Soro Garcia started his next work directly at the Cittadella exhibition.



Miguel Soro Garcia

STOP 8: Privat collection – Brescia, Italy

We have been in contact with Frank for a long time, there are even several bikes in his collection that have passed through my collection, but I have never visited him personally. We had the address. They came to the right street and the right number but…. In other city. This is also part of our journeys. In the end, everything turned out well.

Franco Rozzini collection – Brescia, Itálie

Fantastic collection, many very interesting machines from the erly time of cycling. All in perfect original condition. Owner Mr. Franco Rozzini restored many bikes and motorcycles very carefully and with great feeling. It is my pleasure to present at least part of the atmosphere in this way.

Address: Brescia, Itálie


Rozzini collection

Only in the late hours did we arrive at the place where we will spend the night, the beautiful town of Sarnico right by the lake. Unfortunately, we missed today's last visit to the museum in Berzo, so at least a few photos from my websites.



The bicycle museum "Il Velocipede" was inaugurated on October 26, 2019. It features a detailed educational itinerary on the development of the bicycle from 1817 to the present, all on 2 floors in different themed environments. Inside you will find unique pieces and memorabilia that bear witness to all the evolutionary passages of the bicycle's history, all described by large graphic panels. The museum also has a permanent exhibition of the bicycles and trophies of champion Mera Cressari.

Address: Piazza Umberto I°, 25040 Berzo Inferiore, Brescie (BS), Italy



Day 4 - All day in Alessandria among the champions

Alessandria is an area where a large number of famous cyclists were born and lived, a place associated with the beginnings of cycling in Italy on the track and road, a place where a number of bicycle manufacturing companies were based. The place where Fausto Coppi's birthplace is, where there are several collections of vintage bikes, the place where, above all, the constant presence of a large number of cycling fans literally makes it the center of cycling history.

Arriving at the museum via Viale dei Campionissimi has already revealed a lot...

358/A - Museo dei Campionissimi – Alessandria, Italy

STOP 9: Museo dei Campionissimi - Alessandria, Itálie

The Museo dei Campionissimi is a fantastic place where you can immerse yourself in the era of great and famous cycling champions. A place where thousands of artifacts and wheels are carefully preserved. A MUST VISIT for lovers of the history of sports cycling.

Address: Via lei Campionissimi 2, 15067 Novi Ligure, Alessandria, Italy


358/B - Museo dei Campionissimi – Alessandria, Italy

Lovers of the beginning of bicycle development will definitely find something here.

358/C - Museo dei Campionissimi – Alessandria, Italy

Expo 2024: ....from the winding lines of Art Nouveau at the beginning of the XIXth century....

The movement, called in Italy Liberty or Art Nouveau, takes its name from the English firm Liberty & Co., which opened a famous fabric store in London in 1880, and gives the new Art Nouveau style a new dimension in the field of art. Today, the bicycle is also not just a "goods" but becomes an art, it becomes "art nouveau".

358/D - Museo dei Campionissimi – Alessandria, Italy

Books, Works of art and occasional exhibitions are an integral part of the museum.

258/F - Museo dei Campionissimi – Alessandria, Italy

Yes! It's my life. The track led me to my work. Track led me to my interests. The track brought me to my friends. Track taught me a good life lesson!

258/G - Museo dei Campionissimi – Alessandria, Italy

The journey from the Museo dei Campionissimi to Fausto Coppi's home village is not long, but finding a food shop or pub is absolutely impossible. However, we were lucky and found the absolutely wonderful restaurant La Locanda dei Narcisi. That was a reward or a miracle!

Address: Via Bettole, 35 Angolo via Barbotti Pozzolo Formigaro Frazione Bettole (AL)


La Locanda dei Narcisi

STOP 10: Casa Fausto Coppi, Castellania, Alessandrie, Itálie

A small village in the hills where under normal circumstances none of the tourists would ever come. The birthplace of Fausto Coppi and his family attracts an incredible number of admirers. The atmosphere is worth it any day there. The restaurant, the library, the vintage bike room, the tomb, the statues and the countless photographs are absolutely overwhelming.

359/A - Casa Fausto Coppi

The birth house is a fantastic museum full of trophies, bikes and above all original equipment. The tour must be booked in advance.

Address: Via Fausto Coppi, 2 15051 Castellania Coppi (AL), Italy


359/B - Casa Fausto Coppi

A bike we didn't expect here. On the contrary, it beautifully complements the feeling of belonging with Italian manufacturers and cyclists.

359/C- Casa Fausto Coppi

STOP 11: AcdB Museo - CITTÀ DELLE BICICLETTE, Alessandria, Italy

Allesandrie in the north of Italy is an important place for the history of cycling. The place that was and is the headquarters of many bicycle manufacturers, the place where racing cycling on the track and the road was born and the place where literally entire generations of cyclists were born, grew up and lived.

Address: Via S. Lorenzo, 21/23, 15121 Alessandria AL, Italy



Alessandria Citta Delle Biciclette

Expo 2024 „In maglia rosa e gialla“ - AcdB Museo (AL), Italy

The exhibition at the AcdB Museo commemorates the passage of the Tour de France through Italy and their city. The name "In the pink and yellow jersey" underlines the exhibited bikes of the champions and especially recalls the five-year collaboration with Vincenzo Nibali - the winner of the Giro d' Italia 2013 and 2016.

More info:

Expo 2024 „In maglia rosa e gialla“

Quite late in the evening we had dinner in a small establishment with local people. The translator didn't help us much with the offer. I ordered the "powerhouse white foam pastry" and was satisfied. The arrival at Agriturismo Tenuta la Marchesa was really late, but that didn't stop us from tasting the local wine.

Agriturismo Tenuta la Marchesa

Day 5- From the luxury of Monte Carlo to the bottom to the city with the most crime, Marseille

Waking up in the morning suggests another beautiful day. We have bought the wine and are leaving Italy and heading respectfully to Monaco and are ready to travel further in France.

We are leaving Italy

We come to the Principality of Monaco and Monte Carlo with great respect, when the area of ​​the state is only 2,02 km2. Parking a scooter or motorcycle is a great art here, we managed to do it with our van right in the places where the biggest yachts are moored and opposite the museum where we are heading.

Monte Carlo

STOP 12: Private Cars Collection of HSH Prince of Monaco

The path of lovers of automobiles and later racing cars very often leads through bicycles and motorcycles. It was no different in Monaco.

361/A - Albert I Honoré Charles Grimaldi

At the end of the 1950s, the car enthusiast Prince Rainier III began collecting old cars. His collection gradually grew over the years as he acquired more and more models, and the garage at the Prince's Palace soon emerged as too small to contain this collection of around a hundred stunning streamlined and sporty cars, from majestic body work to gleaming hoods and regal radiator grills!

In 1993, Prince Rainier III therefore decided to open his precious collection to the public. Many of the cars in the museum are cars used directly by the royal family.

361/B - Collection de Voitures

Address: 54 Rte de la Piscine, Monte Carlo, 98 000 Monaco, Monaco


361/C -Monaco's Car Collection

Expo: Ferrari F1 A´ Monaco - Histoire et victoires

We were lucky during our visit and arrived at the time of the summer exhibition "Ferrari F1 in Monaco - History and Victory."

361/D - Expo: Ferarri F1 A´ Monaco

From the world of luxury back to reality. There is a reason for the stopover in Nice.


Stop 13: Café du Cycliste, Nice

So here you don't know exactly if you are in a cafe, a shop, a club room, a service and bike rental or a museum. But you know immediately from the door that you feel good here and that there is a great atmosphere.

Address: 16 Quai des Docks, 06300 Nice, Francie


Café du Cycliste, Nice

Stop 14: Privátní sbírka - Hyeres Coté D´azur

Really nice meeting. Thank you Gilles for the detailed presentation of the collection. Very rare uniques with a huge sense of preservation. We were joined by our old friend Bruno Guasconi - founder and operator of the most professional online platform for lovers of vintage bikes

Privat collection - Hyeres Coté D'azur

Day 6 - Wandering along the Cote d´Azur ended in Spain

There is nothing wrong with breakfast in Marseille accompanied by military music. In the morning, a completely different city than when we arrived at night.

Marseille in the morning

Stop 15: Musée de la Moto - Marseille, France

The quality and often the uniqueness of bicycles and especially motorcycles has allowed the Motorcycle Museum in Marseille to make a good name in the world of historians. Very helpful and pleasant owner and other staff. Three floors full of bikes and motorcycles. In addition, the archive on the ground floor is open to the public.

Address: 18 Traverse, Trav. Saint-Paul, 13013 Marseille, Francie


310/B - Musée de la Moto - Marseille

Less is sometimes more. We are waiting for the opening of the museum, we are not far from the Canal du Midi and we went for lunch together with the local truck drivers right at the crossroads. Everything was great and we haven't had such delicious food in a long time.

Lunch with the locals

Stop 16: Monpelier MUSEE DE L’AUTO " LE TACOT", Aigues-Mortes - France

The Aigues-Mortes Automobile Museum, also known as the Tacot Museum, exhibits the collection of Albert, a longtime car and vintage enthusiast. The cars are restored and maintained by the owner, a professional coachbuilder and saddler, and his mechanic brother. The owner is a former very successful athlete - bodybuilder. Traces of his career can be found almost everywhere.

Address: 332 Av. Pont de Provence, 30220 Aigues-Mortes, France



Stop 17: Tata Bike shop, Girona, Spain

300 km in car and Immediatelly when we got out of the car in Girona, we saw the Tata Bikes bicycle shop. The first person we talk to here is the shop owner. Terribly lovely. Great for us: magical spaces, brands we don't know here and a collection of clothes from Wild Briant, a very popular designer here.


Tata Bike shop, Girona

To jump to Catalonia. We immediately found a nice shop window and also a business with local cuisine. Clear TIP for history lovers. Center of Girona.

Girona, Spain

Day 7 - We got a taste of Spain and we are heading to the "great unknown", to Andorra through the Pyrenees

Stop 18: Collecccio d´Automobils Salvador Cleret, Girona, Spain

The Salvador Claret Automobile Collection, has its beginnings in 1950 when Mr. Claret purchased a Ford Model T of 1923, which, once restored, he used to ride. Gradually, the collection grew into a large museum full of technical interesting things.

Address: A2 Autovía del Nordeste, 697, 17410 Sils, Girona, Španělsko


365 - Collecció d'Automòbils Salvador Claret

Arriving in Andorra, one of the smallest countries in Europe, suggested interesting things. We are tired but very satisfied. Passing through the Pyrenees was very interesting and Andorra is specific, beautiful, green and relaxed.

Welcome to Andorra

Stop 19: National Automobile Museum of Andorra, Encamp, Andorra

Discover the origins and evolution of automobiles, from the 1885 steam engine to the sports cars of the 1980s. Three floors filled to capacity. We also find motorcycles and several bicycles. There are almost 150 historical machines in the museum deposit.

Address: Av. de Joan Martí, 64, AD200 Encamp, Andorra


366 - National Automobile Museum of Andorra

Spending the evening in Andorra was a very nice and new experience for us. Luxurious buildings, great service, nice people and everywhere you look everything is cheap. So they do it somehow well!

An evening in Andorra

Day 8 - We stay in Andorra and the day is short for what awaits us

Stop 20: Canillo Motorcycle museum, Canillo - Andorra

A large collection and cross-section of the entire history of motorcycle development. There are also historical bikes. This private collection, displayed in a large cable car station, is accessible all year round.

Address: Telecabina de Canillo, AD 100 Canillo, Andora


367 - Canillo Motorcycle museum

Stop 21: Bici Lab Andorra. Bicycle Museum, Andorra la Vella, Andorra

It is not only a place for cycling and cycling culture enthusiasts, it is above all a space for reflection to explore the potential of the bicycle as an agile, efficient and sustainable mobility tool in densely urbanized networks like Andorra. Discover all this and more amidst one of the world’s finest collections of classic bikes, boldly combined with the most advanced technology. A space of 1,700 m² in the center of Andorra la Vella, where temporary and permanent exhibitions place the bicycle at the center of a story that will never be the same.

Address: Carrer Prat de la Creu, 68-70, AD500 Andorra la Vella, Andorra


368/A - Bici Lab Andorra

Temporary exhibition

The exhibits in the BLA will be replaced over time, creating new stories that will shape temporary and ephemeral exhibitions, and the bikes in the permanent exhibition will be changed regularly to generate new experiences with each visit.

368/B - Bici Lab Andorra

Stop 22: Museum depository of Bici Lab Andorra - Andorra

Founded in 1960, the private collection today contains over 360 vintage bicycles, is constantly expanding and has ambitions to be the largest and most comprehensive collection of bicycles in the world.

368/C - Bici Lab Andorra

We leave Andorra and how else but with a touch of cycling. This year, the Mountain Bike World Championship is being held here, and we are once again heading to an altitude of over two thousand meters, passing the bike park and descending to France via the Pas de la Casa.

Pas de la Casa

The area between Toulouse and Auch in southern France is very austere in places. Arriving at our accommodation, when the road was getting smaller and smaller, made us a little unsure. The old farm where the owner hosted us, however, completely disarmed us in the end.

Chambres d´hotes Lieu-dit-Laura

Day 9 - We are going back to France

Stop 23: Notre Dame des Cyclist, Labatiste-d´ Armagnac, France

The Chapel of Notre Dame des Cyclistes becomes a mandatory stop for most cyclists and cycling enthusiasts, sometimes even at the cost of a long detour.

The chapel building is early Romanesque (late 9th century) and later served the Templars. In 1959, it was dedicated to Our Lady of Cycling. The clergyman who organized all this was an avid cyclist and collector of cycling trophies, which you will find on display here. Even part of the interior decoration is made of bicycle parts (for example, candlesticks). Here you will also find prayers to Our Lady of Cycling in various world languages. In 1966, a cycling wedding took place here. The portal of the chapel is decorated with a French inscription, which, translated, reads: "Let the sun shine above us."

Address: 40240 Labatiste-d´ Armagnac, Francie


369 - Notre Dame des Cyclist

Stop 24: Labatiste-d´ Armagnac

These are not movie sets. Relita, we have to have a drink and coffee here! The fortress of Labastide D'Armagnac (Labastýd Darmaňak) was founded in 1281 by the Duke of Armagnac so that he could more easily control the area around Mont de Marsan. The town is a typical example of a bastide fortress from the end of the 13th century with a rectangular square with arcades.

Labatiste-d´ Armagnac

Stop 25 - 27: Friends, three private collections and many surprises

The south of France is always a big magnet for us. Many friends, many new information, many bikes, systems and brands. Perhaps every time we visit someone here, we are very surprised at what we managed to discover. Often things and patents we didn't even know about. France - the cradle of cycling and the bicycle! Most of what we saw cannot be published publicly, so if you are interested, you must travel with us next time.

Friends from France

Day 10 - We are traveling in France

Stop 28: Musée du Velo du Haut Limousin, Francie

Very nice and very dignified premises for a cycling museum. Sensitively edited. A private museum open to the public. The museum includes two exhibition spaces, a part dedicated to racing cycling and personalities. The second space presents the history of bicycles since 1817. Temporary exhibition of professional bicycles in the summer season of 2024.

We visited larger museums and exhibitions where there were more unique machines. But the atmosphere in Arnac-la-Poste, the owner's welcome, interpretation and passion for the cause is more than any TOP exhibit. Absolutely great mood and love for cycling is felt from the first moment.

Address: 2 Rue de la Piscine, 87160 Arnac-la-Poste, Francie



370 - Musée du Velo du Haut Limousin

Stop 29: Brocante... we are stoping again and again....

Trips in France are difficult to plan exactly on time. As soon as you see the sign "BROCANTE" it must be sealed immediately. You will see rows of stupid things but we know... we almost never leave empty handed.

Brocante on the road

Day 11 - Switzerland suprised us a lot

Stop 30: Expo: VELO ÉQUILIBRES EN MOUVEMENT, Museum RATH, Geneve - Switzerland

The Musée Rath is a showcase for discovery, with several major temporary exhibitions each year. Opened to the public in 1826 thanks to the generosity of the Rath sisters, it was Switzerland's first fine arts museum, designed from the outset as a "museum temple" to house and exhibit works of art. 

From June 6 to October 13, 2024

The exhibition VELO ÉQUILIBRES EN MOUVEMENT (balance in motion) was created in co-production with the museum (MHN), and invites the public to explore the bicycle from its technical, historical, sociological and artistic aspects. In addition to its apparent simplicity, the bicycle turns out to be a revolutionary invention. From its origins in the 19th century to its social impact and technical innovation today, this iconic machine is being reinvented as a means of transportation, but also as a source of inspiration, freedom and adventure.

Address: Pl. de Neuve 1, 1204 Genève, Švýcarsko


Velo EXPO:

371/A - Expo 2024 Musée RATH

A fantastically detailed catalog of the exhibition

371/B - Expo 2024 Musée RATH

Stop 31: VELODROM Geneva

Literally a few hundred meters from the museum is an indoor velodrome. I raced it years ago. Although a boxing tournament was taking place in the middle of the oval, the organizers were friendly and let us see the wooden track.

Velodrom Geneve

Stop 32: Rehetobel Velomuseum - Switzerland

The newly renovated premises of the Rehetobel Velomuseum already provide a beautiful environment for bicycle exhibitions and social events for the 2024 season. A tour of the exhibition documents the history of the bicycle in detail and offers a comprehensive view of its technical development, from the velocipede to tricycles and tall bikes to the modern bicycle.

The infrastructure for the presentation of objects is provided by the VEREIN VELOMUSEUM REHETOBEL. It is organized as a patronage association and has around 60 members. They support the operation of the exposition and participate in events, trips and national or international meetings of historic bikes. A private collecting community with a handful of members contributes objects, designs the display, maintains the machines and looks after the visitors.

Address: Heidenerstrasse 4, 9038 Rehetobel, Švýcarsko


372/A - Rehetobel Velomuseum

Leo Estermann was a famous framebuilder from Zurich, Switzerland.  Part of the exhibition is dedicated to his racing bikes.

More info of Leo Esterman:

372/B- Rehetobel Velomuseum

The museum deposit also serves as a workshop for members of the association who take care of the running of the museum. It was here that we discovered some very interesting machines.

372/C- Rehetobel Velomuseum

Stop 33: Rehetobel Velomuseum „Karl Reichmuth collection“– Switzerland

The association of museum administrators in Rehetobel took over the racing bike collection "Karl Reichmuth collection" in 2018. A unique collection of mainly Swiss racers who have won titles at world championships. These are authentic and actually used bikes. The modifications on the machines are authentic and the whole collection is absolutely unique.

Thank you Daniel Bartholdi (Präsident Genossenschaft „Kultur im Sprötzehuus“) for detailed interpretation and presentation.

Address: Heidenerstrasse 4, 9038 Rehetobel, Švýcarsko


373/A - Karl Reichmuth collection

Thomas Molk in Stanz near Lucerne was a frame manufacturer and later known as a Colnago frame repair and painting service center. The famous Swiss rider Urs Freuler was a pioneer of new technical directions (for example, he was the first to ride a straight front fork on a daza). These novelties were produced in the workshops of the Molk company. Our guide Daniel's question: "It is said that there was a Czech working there, could you find out something about it?" the answer was simple: "Yes, it was me, I worked there for three years and I was personally involved in this frame..." so it was a really nice coincidence and that's how at least the photo with the bike was created. The pleasure was on all sides. This geometry, with a raised head tube and frame reinforcement, was later adopted by Colnago.

373/B - Karl Reichmuth collection

Urs Freuler, Moustache World Champion

Urs Freuler

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We are really tired, wine drunk, wine bought, many books received, many bought, we loaded great material, nice bikes and scrap metal. Just the final. The bike expedition is behind us. Completed. Like the biggest book I've seen weighing over 59 kg about a single rider. Oscar Plattner. I dare say that we have left a significant mark on our journey. We brought a huge amount of information, photos and various materials. They started cooperation with Italian collectors, arranged important cooperation in the museum in Geneva, laid the foundation stone for holding the ICHC conference in the Principality of Andorra, spread awareness and well promoted the Czech velocipedist Club ČKV 1880, which they were interested in almost everywhere, made a good name for Czech collectors, museum owners, researchers , riders and replica manufacturers. Considering the places where we moved, we can claim that the whole Czech Republic has a good name!

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