150 years of Bicycling in America - Invitation

Hello world 
This year (2016) marks the 150 year anniversary of the first bicycle patent in the world !!!! Pierre Lallement rode across the New Haven Green April 4th 1866 ( first newspaper account of a bicycle ride in the world) , he files for a patent April 30th with patent attorney John Earl, and the worlds first bicycle patent was granted November 20th 1866. 2016 June 25th and 26th, 2016 come join the "Cycle-bration" in New Haven and Ansonia CT and stay fo the International Cycling History Conference ( ICHC) through June 29th. 

150 years of Bicycling in America


Please see link for more information and schedule
More - The Wheelmen:


or - ICHC ( International Cycling History Conference):


We'll need as many Wheelmen as possible to please come out and participate in the events on Saturday during the oral history and demonstrations in New Haven and Ansonia / Derby . The whole bicycling world is welcome to come out and join in the festivities. This will be part of the Arts and Ideas festival ( New Haven's largest festive).

2016 National Wheelmen MEET

Hope to see you in New Haven at the Cycle-bration !!!! 
Riding , display, demonstrations, lectures , ...enjoy New Haven at it's best .... why wait til the 200th anniversary .
More information will be posted as details come available 
Cheers Carey Williams 

                           27th Annual International Cycling History Conference 2016

                           Best Western Hotel  201 Washington , North Haven, CT 

                                           Papers Schedule for June  26th-28th

Sunday June 26th      Open to all !  Public invited, free entry.

1:00 pm hall opens

 2:00pm             The American Cycling Experience – A Photographic Record 1850-1950.   Lorne Shields, Canada

2:45pm              The Hobby Horse in America, man learns to balance 1819. Glen Norcliffe, Canada 

3:15pm            Pierre Lallement and the Velocipede era, man learns to pedal, 1865-70.       David Herlihy , Boston ,MA

15 minute break

 4:00pm             The rise and fall of the high bicycle; pedaling with a view, 1870-1893.          Carey Williams, Chicago IL

4:45pm              Boom and bust of the American bicycle craze, 1890’s.  Paul Rubenson, Baltimore , MD

6:00pm hall closes


Monday June 27th    ICHC attendees only (registration required)

8:30 am hall opens

9:00              An Autobiography between the lines; Karl Kron’s 10,000 miles on a bicycle.                             Dave Buchanan, Edmonton, Canada.

9:30              Reading Smart (’s diary). Mapping the routes and embodied subjectivity of a 1890’s cyclist. Christine Bachman-Sanders, Minn, MN

10:00          Trans Am Trail, America’s Bicycle route. Greg Siple, Adventure Cycling Association   Missoula, Montana

10:30-11:00 break


11:00            Bicycling History Archive.  Joanne Riley, Healey Library University Mass,  Boston

11:15            Joseph R Wilson Jr, State vs Yopp and the League of American Wheelmen. Michael Gately, NYC

11:30          "Mount Holly and Smithville Bicycle Railroad".  Dennis McDonald, Medford, NJ

12:00-1:00pm Lunch

1:00            America’s first bicycles: the velocipede era.  Carey Williams, Chicago. IL


1:30           The life of Charles Palmer, (New Rapid). Christian Wignall, San Francisco, CA

2:00          The safety bicycle. Nick Clayton, UK

2:30-3:00 break

3:00        Unveiled, a chain drive American velocipede tricycle. Lorne Shields, Toronto Canada

3:30       “Lady Cyclists” Dress and tricycling in Britain and the United States during the 1880’s. Catlin Cohn, MN

4:00        The Needham Tricycle. John Malseed, UK

Hall closes at 5:00pm


Tuesday June 28th   ICHC attendees only (registration required)

Hall opens at 8:30am

9:00        Pipe Dreams. Nicholas Oddy , UK


9:30       Wheel Violence. Duncan Jamieson, Ashland University, OH

10:00     Bicycling and bicycling advocacy on Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 1970-present. John Allen, Boston, MA

10:30-11:00 break

11:00      The Henley Bicycle Works and its founder.  Gary Sanderson, Verona, NJ

11:30      Aluminum Bike frame project MIT 1974  .  Harriet Fell,

12:00     1982 The year of the plastic bicycles.  Chris Morris, B. C., Canada

12:30-1:30  Lunch

1:30       Overman and Eastman. The bond (and break) of American icon George Eastman and bicycle magnate Albert Overman.  David Herlihy, Boston, MA


2:00        The church or the wheel, religion contends with the American bicycle boom.

 Chris Sweet,  IL

2:30        Fred St. Onge and the Transformation of Bicycling in the Bust Years

Lorenz J. Finison, Ph.D, Boston Mass


3:00 -3:15 Break


3:15      Traces of 19th Century Cycling in the building environment. Robert MCCullough, VT

3:45      Cycling in the 19th century Gent.   Dirk Van Luchem, Gent , Belgium

4:15      28th ICHC  Mannheim, Germany 2017   Eva Gramlich

4:30   ICHC  business meeting

5:30    hall closes  


Banquet in Evening

Wednesday June 29th bus tour