Simpson Cycle Co., Ltd (Simpson "Lever" Chain), London, England - 1896
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Simpson "Lever" Chain, a much boomed novelty which enjoyed a brief but hectic career, 1895 - 1897. The first patent W.S.Simpson took 27th December 1894.
Simpson Lever Chain and Cycle Co., Ltd. was a maker of the Simpson lever chain, this company premises at 110 Regent Street, London and works at Draycott, Derbyshire. This maker offered his own bicycles under name "Simpson" lever chaines have been used by many riders on other bicycles.
„The great Humber Company took up the idea and the famous Gladiator firm of Paris adopted it. The result was that riders using the chain began to swep the board, and by January Simpson lever chain riders had made all the existing word's records from a quarter of mile to forty-for miles, and since than the successes have been constanc!!!!“.
Wrote The Illustrated London News 20th June 1896