Andrey Myatiev's Bicycle Museum - Moscow, Russia 

The exhibition "Inventing a bicycle" was showed in Moscow in VDNH. The exhibition was organized by the Andrey Myatiev's Bicycle Museum and the Polytechnic museum during summer 2015. There were presented over 130 bicycles, 97 of them are from Andrey Myatiev's Bicycle Museum collection.
Facebook: Веломузей Андрея Мятиева
Monarchs´ bicycles museum - Saint Petersburg, Russia 

A small museum, where are showed personal bicycles of three generation very famous monarchs of Russia.
There are eleven bicycles and one home training machine.
Expisition of Andrey Myatiev's Bicycle Museum - Moscow, Russia
The small exhibition "History of bicycle" was showed in Moscow 2021. The exhibition was organized by the Andrey Myatiev's Bicycle Museum. There were presented over 82 bicycles in five section: Evolution, design, army, children and sport.
Facebook: Веломузей Андрея Мятиева