Exposition " The Adventure of Cycling " – Nová Paka, Czech Republic +++++

Very beautifully conceived two exhibitions in one building of the Municipal Museum in Nová Paka in Suchard's house. Once again, the expanded exhibition "Adventure of cycling" with really rare pieces and the exhibition "130 years of cycling in Novopack" with many local artifacts.

Contact: https://muzeum.cz

Exhibition: "The Adventure of Cycling"

273/A - Nová Paka 2021

Exhibition of a private collection - Podolí, Czech Republic +++++

Milan Pavlík organized an exhibition of a private collection of historic bicycles and handmade wooden bicycles in the cultural house in Podolí (Moravia) on April 6-7, 2024. The exhibition was designed to attract not only bicycle connoisseurs, but also laypeople, children, men and women.

Address:  Kulturní dům, Podolí - Kunovice, Czech republic

347/A - Expo 2024, Podolí - Kunovice

Exhibition 2011 - Králův Dvůr, Czech republic +++++

The meeting in a old castle Králùv Dvùr in the Czech Republic was organized in September 2011 with a special exhibition with some very rare machines.

47/A - Králův Dvůr 2011- bicycles

Exhibition "The Story of The Bicycle", Pilsen 2016 - Czech Republic +++++

A big exhibition with many bicycles from member of local clubs. This exhibition was opened only in summer 2016 in Town museum in Pilsen - the Czech Republic.

Contact:  http://www.zcm.cz/

195 - The Story of The Bicycle, Pilsen 2016

BATTAGLIA CYKLONOSTALGIA 2013 - Čekanice u Blatné, Czech Republic +++++

"BATTAGLIA CYKLONOSTALGIA“ is mean ride, event and meeting for fans sport and race antique bicycles. The bicycle exhibitions showed many and many sport and race bicycles in fantastic original condition.

Contakt: http://www.cyklonostalgie.cz/cz/cyklonostalgie

117/A – BATTAGLIA 2013

An Exposition „The Bicycle 1817 – 2017“, The North Bohemian Museum in Liberec – Czech Republic +++++

A small and very a nice bicycle exhibition where many bicycles, posters and assesories were showed first time for public ever.

Contact: http://www.muzeumlb.cz

211/A - An Exposition Liberec 2017

221/B - Posters - Liberec 2017

Town museum Sedlčany, Czech Republic +++++

The Regional Museum in Sedlčany. Some local information and items.

Address:   Tyršova 136, 264 01 Sedlčany, Czech Republic

Contactt: http://www.muzeum-sedlcany.cz/wp/

309 - Museum Sedlčany Expo 2023

The first Czech bicycle museum – Nové Hrady, Czech Republic +++++

This private museum presents the complete history of bicycles. It provides a marvelous combination of a historical building with technical exhibits. A collection of bicycles related to the history of Czech cycling and production of bicycles is presented in a superb atmosphere.

31.12.2017 was museum CLOSED

Contact: http://www.nove-hrady.cz/cs/m-8-muzeum-cyklistiky

01. The first Czech bicycle museum – Nové Hrady, Czech Republic

Technical Museum Tatra, Kopřivnice - Czech Republic +++++

A nice technical museum in Moravia showed full history of cars Tatra. Factory Tatra which have never made bicycles Tatra. All bicycles with this brand were made by ES-KA in Cheb.

American concern TEREX owns the company Tatra and all privilege around Tatra brand - the oldest czech registration Tatra from 1934.

Contact:  http://www.tatramuseum.cz/index.php?r=5&idj=1

157 - Museum Tatra


Technic Museum Liberec - Czech Republic +++++

A small technic museum with a few bicycles local bicycles from privat collection. The place for bicycles was enlarget during summer 2017 and we can say "It is a regular cycling museum" now.

Contact:  http://www.technickemuzeumliberec.cz

198/B - Technic Museum Liberec